
Applied Music

Music majors must be enrolled in applied music each long semester until the applied music requirement is met. The required sequence of courses includes a minimum of four semesters of lower-level (1200 series) courses in applied music.

Students in the teacher certification program must complete three additional semesters of upper-level (3200 series) applied music courses. Students in the performance program must complete four semesters of upper-level (3400 series) applied music courses.

Completion of the applied music requirement signifies the attainment of a given level of artistic performance rather than the completion of a specific number of semester hours of credit. A student may, at the discretion of the applied music faculty, be required to repeat any course in the applied music sequence; in such a case, the course may be repeated for credit. The applied music requirement is not satisfied until approval of the faculty is obtained.

Any student registered for an applied music course (MUAP courses) will be required to perform a jury examination each long semester. With permission from the private instructor, a student may be exempt from jury examination in the semester during which the senior recital is to be performed.