Self-Service Banner provides students, faculty, and staff access to personal information, student records, financial aid information, pay information and tax forms.
Your 番茄社区ID is a nine-digit identification number beginning with a capital “L”. (Ex: L20098765). Use your 番茄社区ID and PIN to log in to Self-Service Banner to access your personal information, student records, payment, financial aid information, pay information and tax forms.
Current and accepted students can locate their 番茄社区ID on the front of the CardinalOne Card or acceptance letter.
Use the link below to complete the Name/SSN Change Authorization form to update name and social security information.
If you are unable to add or drop classes online, contact the Add/Drop office on campus at (409) 880-8542 for further assistance.
Within Financial Aid you will be able to check your financial aid status, eligibility, accept your awards and view general financial aid information.
The Service Desk cannot assist with accepting awards. If you have been told that awards are available but do not see any, you will need to contact the Financial Aid office for assistance at (409) 880-8450.
Yes, click Financial Aid and click Email Financial Aid Office.